Wednesday, April 27, 2011

these geological scenery has a agreeable artistic and ornamental worth tours because folk apt relax

Cherish their families, protect the globe!
A eligible universal citizen: to work because the conservation of geological heritage,toronto escort!
Talk almost just turned 25-year-old Harvard Law School student initiated and mobilized the premier in people history celebrate the commemoration.
present, the maximum important accident was organized by the Geological Society of China and the Ministry of Land and organizations. This year, Earth Day has been identified as the theme of distant away. What is the geological heritage? geological heritage, including mineral resources and geological relics, they are long years of evolution of the earth left back asset. experts pointed out that the theme intended by the protection of geological heritage importance and urgency of the decision .
perhaps relative to the well known cultural sites, the team member Professor Zhao Xun, told journalists that there is one important geological heritage value of fossils and their origin,toronto escorts, geological landscape. They are long-term geological geological history of the product of non-renewable normal resources, and accordingly invaluable. < br> 46 million years the Earth has capable numerous vicissitudes? how the beings on the planet's bacteria and algae from the lower into the higher mutation of life? human culture is how to amplify? specialists point out that the formation of geological heritage and cultural sites than the longer and more distant. a lot of sites for the study catered essential technological basis. At the same time, they also have a fashionable meaning, whether such as Not merely tin motivate people's interest, yet too make it up to learning. In addition, in the protection of the process, these geological outlook has a good artistic and ornamental worth tours for people to relax,Confucius was born, yet likewise as a regional economy evolution growth, and tin solve the problem of employment of regional people.

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