Thursday, April 28, 2011


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pig in China is the world's huge nation, but product was cheap, the adult countries per brain pig pig mutton product herds up to 150 kg, merely 100 kg of every of the agriculture environment is penniless, causing disease staggering loss, solemn consume pig manufacture is facing solemn challenges to sustainable development.
to achieve the fundamental pig growth.
culture environment: pollution is serious cause for concern

how to make life happy and healthy child pigs is breeders, clients and the common desire of livestock researchers.
healthy culture is a variety of high quality, secure, efficient and pollution as the chief target, amount, quality both ecological benefits and the sustainable development of aquaculture.
Chongqing Academy of Animal Science, according to Dean Liu Zuohua researchers, even now even whereas China is the world's largest maker of livestock, 50% of the world's pigs, poultry 18%, 10% 23% of cattle and sheep are raised in our country, meat and egg production ranked first in the world for numerous annuals, but the use of livestock breeding and the presentation of species .2004 low scope up to $ 200,000,000 price of livestock and poultry and pigs industry in the bin and ternary mongrel seed scope of less than 50%, livestock and poultry slaughter rate is low.
he said, also should not be overlooked is that, including the pig breeding industry, including the agricultural sector has chance the premier A big polluters, an year discharge of over 2.7 billion tons of livestock manure, farming waste water up to 100 million tons. concentrated aquaculture in some areas, the pollution occasioned by livestock and poultry have reached a very serious class. a lot of culture concentration area sewers stench sky, mosquitoes, disease, breeding, water, soil heavily polluted.
more worrying is that the modern large-scale, intensive aquaculture production will undoubtedly increase the level of the fatigue force, but the animals in the production process should be in a serious excited state of deterioration in animal welfare, and instantly influence the quality of animal products. At the same time scale, intensive production also resulted in the breeding of bacteria, the dosage increased, intensified, resulting in a variety of sexually transmitted diseases, resistant bacteria sources, aquaculture,shanghai massage, caustic environmental degradation.
It is understood namely aquaculture amplified countries together excellent importance to environmental risks, the equilibrium of nutrients from the feed technology, bio-fermentation of cattle and fowl plough wastes such as sound processing technology to the evolution of safety evaluation technologies are very quick, which is farm pollution obstruction statutes and regulations cater a basis because the formulation, merely also for the rigid implementation of these laws and regulations may be provided.
though in 2000, China promulgated the measures is by far mature, large-scale use is still the one hand, the production of high bronze and zinc, and arsenic preparations have serious environmental hazards such as additives, on the other hand the absence of animal manure in reducing nitrogen and phosphorus excretion of effective measures , aquaculture sewage volume. The nutrient status of the urgent need to improve feed utilization, reduce waste emissions and boost recycling of waste resources utilization. Expert Comment:
animal husbandry output amount of China's 1.3 trillion,toronto escorts, accounting for total agricultural 34% of output,beijing massage, but the late begin of modern animal husbandry, backward production means, technological level is still low, the management basis is feeble, compared with developed countries there are manifest gaps, particularly in the conversion efficiency of animal husbandry, environmental pollution, animal product quality and safety appearances of the emphatic problems have seriously affected the sustainable development of livestock and livestock industry's competitiveness in the international market. urgent need for science and technology as support, to create a new industrial farming model, and upgrading of industrial technology,shenzhen massage, improve production efficiency to defend the animal edible safety, reduce environmental pollution and increase their earnings.
new breeding technology: improving the measure of boar semen bring offthe country
very differ natural climatic conditions, such for the South summer in most chapters of high temperature and tall natural weather rainy, resulting in boar decreased appetite, decreased rate of digest and digestion of nutrients, depressed protein synthesis, seriously affecting the reproductive representation of boars, such as semen volume, sperm density and sperm motility are always decreased significantly, the research group to reduce hot and moist environment on reproductive representation of boars negative impact, engaging in widespread research.
them through to the hot and humid environment and green vigor and protein feed on the effects of boar semen quality study, prelude screening a hot and humid environment to improve the quality of boar semen quality,A dad apt your mommy 's stupid asylum it, effective process feed formulation and feeding technique. compared with the traditional propagating process, the process under the boars semen volume, sperm density and sperm motility were increased 14.51%, 31.88% and 8.45%. And, add green straw can improve boar sperm viability, additional blood urea nitrogen, lower blood sugar levels.
the scientific completions Longchang County pig farm in Sichuan Province, China Animal Husbandry Industry Group in Chongqing, Chongqing pig farm, etc. a lot of application, the achieve is significant. At present a aggregate of hot and humid environment to promote personal boars feed additive premix and feed of 500 tons. Experts:
the topics, the tin improve the efficiency and the use of pig reproductive performance of sows.
green additive: improving pig welfare
Liu Zuohua said, long time, for one-sided pursuit of high growth rate and feed conversion efficiency, the damage of antibiotics and chemical synthesis drugs is widespread, resulting in a premonitory ebb in the quality of pork products in a serious drug residues, but also fjust aboutil and water environment causing serious injury. Therefore, by nutrient control technology, research into fashionable safety green feed cumulative - ride safety culture (involving plant active substances, probiotics, enzymes, immune enhancer, herbal preparations, can replace antibiotics) and the compatibility and synergistic technology integration technology is an efficacious access to reduce antibiotic residues.
Task Force use of green, pollution-free The vegetation extract lively substances (oregano oil) and probiotics (microbial agents), and accommodate the fared content of vitamins and trace ingredients apt cultivate the growing-finishing piglet ailment resistance, accentuate resistance, replacing the use of antibiotics. In particular, joining Oregano fuel + nutritional norm of processing, the rate of hog weight acquire and feed conversion efficiency was better than the medicine group. even encountered the disease in pigs beneath stress, oregano oil + nutritional regulation of elementary non-pork group the impact of stress at the disease, growth rate and feed transition efficiency namely much better than the antibiotic group. Experts:
all agricultural production and processing may be accustom in pesticides, veterinary drugs, feed additives, agricultural chemicals, are ; affirmative list system agricultural exports. to wreck through the barriers, the only effective way is to strengthen the source control, through the planting and breeding bases in the inspection and quarantine for the record, so that pesticides, veterinary drugs used in a controllable state, to fully residence the technical barriers to trade related foreign . In increase, to strengthen our animal products in the worldwide mart competitiveness, the absence to improve the health of livestock farming in scale on the ability of the system.
Recycling: Let the pig waste to treasure
Now, with the China's livestock feed industry and the rapid development of aquaculture pollution has become the use of industrial pollution and life after the third-largest source of water pollution. According to Liu Zuohua introduction, the environmental pollution caused even nowming is the key problem of the use of resources deserving to inadequate attention, not to treat manure as a resource, but as waste disposal, management is not promptly become sources of pollution, the study of waste mainly from the processing point of view, preferably than from the perspective of effective use to think.
pig muck diminution of emissions rebate technology is the focus of research group. They use bio-fermentation technology, pig excrement mixed with rice husk, sawdust, hay mixture of bacteria and yeast and other organic trash, and add the complex microbial fermentation of bacteria, made of high quality either through the fermentation of organic manure biological activity, but also a great number of microorganisms into compartment protein for pig feed and enhance pig growth and improve pig immunity and reduce the pig disease. At the same period, enabling pig (bar, circle)-free clean, no smell, feces and urine to accomplish a healthy mores and the purpose of naught emissions. results show that: raw protein content of feces, ammonia nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium content, the atmosphere hydrogen sulfide content decreased 11.50%, 49.57% , 23.78%, 46.15%, 0.0064mg/m3. Expert Comment:
pig through the ecological cycle of health research and industrialization of opener technology demonstrations, development of the environmental specifics of different districts and different levels of eco pig farms necessitated sustainable and healthy pig model of new technologies, new models, new production processes and standards, the establishment of ecological cycle of three-dimensional scale pig farming and the industrialization of new technology demonstration model, the formation of efficient ecological cycle of modern pig breeding technology system health, promote the pig industry the establishment of circular economy.

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