Thursday, April 28, 2011

meat jerky

Travel sina
Altun Nature Reserve which is a deserted no man's land, there is no signal, no supplies, not even roads.
Lost, trapped car is constantly the case.
There are many wild animals, many of them have a great threat to the bears, wild yak, wild boar, panthers and so on, their aggressions are deadly!
Therefore,shanghai massage, to enter the Altun Nature Reserve, you must make full readiness.
one into the mountain passes into the Altyn
must Korla Xinjiang Nature Reserve National Nature Reserve Management Office Altun Altun into the protected area for the pass, and to disburse 1350 yuan / human treatment fares . Altun protected areas in the major junctions have established checkpoints.
Second, road traffic conditions
the overall traffic situation in Xinjiang is better, and some national expressway can work 150 km / h, but the nature maintenance Altun little sense of the region's roads are usually the only desert, grassland and India on the road as a reference. good times and bad, per hour in the 30-50 km / hour. terror maximum is the rain is too wet, the likelihood is To trap the car, there is over the sand river, the water is laborious to pass large. Therefore, the best 2 cars or more to the mountains, but also you have experienced guides guide the access,guangzhou escort, where there are not refueling along the course, have to have a supply of cars accompanying.
three, the weather and the best voyage season, do not know the Chinese Xinjiang
not excellent. The temperature is great in Xinjiang, as much as 40 degrees. highlands weather is changeable, you will sagacity into the The highest temperature up to 40 degrees, so bring ample clothing to take the whole, from shorts to short-sleeved jacket.
Altun Nature Reserve, the best travel season is 6-9 months, and (Qi Man Tage Township) and a few other places have water added, most places are no fresh water to multiplication, let alone food.
communication marker protection only by co-Ke Pati central station ( Qi Man Tage Township) near the semaphore, not elsewhere.
6, equipment recommendations
(a) Personal equipment
1, pack 2. large package to be capable to hold their own asset principle, can not eligible plug, there is the best sack pack for easy shipment. packet to apply the principle of light, camera bag or wallet can also be used instead, be proficient to hold valuables on the line.
2, sleeping bags and moisture-proof pad. sleeping comfortably warm temperatures likened m10 degrees beneath 0 degrees to m10 degree plus a quilt, or with two sleeping bags. a sleeping bag takes on isolation, tenderness + health.
3, clothes . mountain snow, a bit cold at night. generally Jackets, fleece or sweater, Trousers + Qiuku, the cold can bring down jacket or a cotton jacket, svelte wool jeans, thick socks. Band 3 more than sets of underwear drying perspiration, because the mountains have no place to take a bath, can only depend on for clean clothes. Of course not afraid to sweat, not scared to foul in the end you can dress one.
4, two-bar shoes .1-3 . a pair of hiking shoes or sports shoes can be, and you want to bring casual shoes, slippers, it is your own entity, at the peak of you can administer it on the line.
5, Sun. wide-brimmed cap or umbrella, sunglasses, mittens, sunscreen more than 30 periods, it is best to bring Repair Cream.
6, rain. raincoat or umbrella, waterproof backpack covers, waterproof bag.
7, headlamp, sword, power cell charger, plug cable board (not entire bands), and an every in dishes, isolated glass (about 1 liter), periodical towels and wet wipes, cleaning supplies cough.
8, individual food. the whole event to the main group meal, only individuals with a small amount of chocolate, beef jerky, American ginseng, gum and other personal habits of food on it.
9, individual drugs. used to buy medicines to focus on the main (see the list of public drugs), personal need to bring their own drugs habit.
(b) of the Public Drug
unified public apt purchase the best drugs (see narcotic catalogue) to facilitate the storage and use of tall anti-and anti-cold medication more than a tiny, the mound a agreeable mart!
1, anti- plateau reflects the drug: Plateau security, one hundred Ning narcotic tablets (altitude ailment headache when required),shenzhen massage, Rhodiola (drink tea), inosine tablets, pills Salvia way.
2, chilly medicine: Banlangen granules, Hong Tai grams, white with dark, cold pleasure factor.
3, gastrointestinal drugs: speaker is exposed pills, berberine, fluoride faction acid, intestines pills, Bao Ji balls.
4, anti-inflammatory drugs: a clear capsule, A Moxi Lin, cephalosporins, eye drips, etc.
5, clear powder: Niuhuangjiedu movies, periodontal Ning, clear bombard films, pharyngitis pills, cough syrup, cough Ning et.
6, bone-setting medicine: , Band-Aid, Yunnanbaiyao, assisting its woods, 伤湿止痛膏, athletic oil.
7, Emergency Medicine: Shi Dishui, Suxiaojiuxin Pill.
8, other drugs: aspirin, astemizole , by halo Ning, dermatitis and Sport, 21 gold VITA, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B6 (manipulation of nausea, vomiting).
9, cotton fleece, gauze, bandages.
(c) Public and equipment
1, 3 stove and jacketed kettle, bring their own.
2, 3 cylinders, the best buy in Korla, let the exercise.
3, radio 4, national. a GPS to better.
4, the camera 2.
(d) Public Food
us to converge ashore corruption in the main accident, the food at the wizard responsible as mountain, the mountain appearance to eat in local restaurants nectar favor a fish out. So, to streamlining the principle of public food from the 1st purchase in Urumqi, mainly meat Shuanghui 5 copies Laoganma 2 flasks, seaweed and eggs soup 2 great bags, 10 parcels of mustard, Guozhen 1 pack, glucose 2 large archives. too comes with some coffee, tea ...
seven, circle devise and timing of
Altun mountain nature reserve's main attractions is the three lakes: Sand Hill Kumu Curry Ah Ke Kumu teeth Lake (3870 m), A the Kule Lake (4250 m), Whale Lake (4,700 meters).
consider the problem of high altitude adaptation, it ought be in accordance with the array from low to high to play, that is, : Kumu Curry sand hills mm A dental grams Kumu Lake (3870 m) mm A the Kule Lake (4250 m) mm Whale Lake (4,700 meters).
not specially laid for the whole automobile, then hike approximately 10 days is fitting (in Korla is the starting point), It’s about time:
D1: Korla m Ruoqiang - Milan Town - by swallowing Blackburn town (740 km).
D2: by swallowing the town of Blackburn m --- 阿特阿特坎 Atta body Han River m new Daban (4774 m) - by co-Ke Pati central station (310 km).
D3: --- Carl by co-Ke Pati Carl Winter protection of grassland and winter m station (150 km).
D4: Carl Winter Carl Winter Grassland Protection Station mm mm-by co-Ke Pati (150 km).
D5, along to co-Ke Pati - A black bear teeth Kule Lake m m gold hill junction (180 km).
D6, gold crossings --- A The Kule Lake (100 km).
D7, A the Kule Lake --- Whale Lake (220 annuals).
D8: Whale Lake - A lake of its Kule (220 years).
D9: Ah the Kule Lake --- Yu Su Pua Luck --- Milan.
D10: ---- Korla metropolis of Milan.
eight other attentions
1, to ascertain a good guide;
2, car rental situation a little better off-road vehicles ( more than two);
3, with enough to eat, drink, use, especially fuel and water;
4, try to prefer a scenic place to camp;
5, pay attention to safety, not a walk alone.
Altun Mountain Nature Reserve,
About the southeast edge of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is situated in Altun Mountain Nature Reserve, contiguous to Qinghai and Tibet, the west border Ruoqiang and Qiemo counties, eastern of Xinjiang the junction of the 2 provinces of Qinghai, north to the south of Qi Man Tage Altun Mountain in Xinjiang and Tibet south boundaries of the East Kunlun Mountains, 360 kilometers from east to west, 190 km from north to south, with a total space of ​​44,940 square kilometers, with an mean elevation of 4,500 meters, an place of ​​45,000 square kilometers, accounting for China's land zone 4.7p. protected area was created in 1983, two years after, is listed as National Nature Reserve.
northern Altun protected areas occupied by the West segment of soak terrain, the east partition of the mountain are mostly low mountains and hills constitute the Qaidam and Tarim Basin, a normal barrier to the two; southern spur from the Eastern Kunlun Mountains and Hoh Xil Qi Man Tage circled by Kumu kul basin, elevation In 4000m4500 meters. protection of surface area, landform type complex, foreign and rich normal landscape, the mountains are exceedingly rare and ancient abandon karst landforms, development extending thousands of square kilometers, spectacle. Yongquan thousands of protected areas groups, lakes, weathering Rock Hill mix, row above row of peaks, for a kind of wildlife habitat to cater a variety.
barrier to deep valleys where desert inaccessible, as the geographical breaches in rare globe District one of the high-profile.
the nineteenth centenary, Russian explorers Pool Heat Val Chomsky and Swedish browser Sven Hedin who has capable b hard to get into the protected area and the corner chapter of the region, and described from different outlooks here the natural conditions and biological resources. testified to render list of their grim and desolate here, they call here the other.
1982, the Chinese scientific expedition team first in-depth here, called here as the Harvard University professor Dr. Barber to this mountain climbing expedition, he sent a letter to his Chinese friend said: My favorite is most acceptable to me! solitary Tibetan wild ass, Tibetan antelope, wild yak and other wild animals, but also enjoy the scenic wonders of the mountains to the snow-capped mountains, glaciers, deserts, marshes, grasslands, lakes, karst landforms such as the original natural prettiness and rich.
mountaineer was undoubtedly the most pleasing protected areas in the southwest corner of wood Zita Ge peak. meters, 6,000 meters upon the surrounding peaks with more than 50. peaks surrounded by very a lot of number of glaciers in different styles and which Bingta Lin Li, prevalent avalanches, hundreds of kilometers nigh the remote deserted, was dead. half of the nineteenth century, the Russian explorer Walter Poole Gaussian heat this adventure, because of natural conditions of reactive And back in October .1985, Sino-US Joint climbers for the first time human footprints left on the top.
wood Zita Ge peak is in the protected areas, wonders of the 9 dams were large grasslands, Kumu Kule desert, sand springs, whale Lake, Devil Valley, Aer Ka Ke Pati karst topography and the lake by the Society.
desert with a broad variety of Tibetan wild ass, Tibetan antelope , wild yak, wild camel, and black-necked crane, Tibetan snow rooster, Imperial Eagle, a jade sea eagles and additional rare birds and animals, forward with 241 varieties of wild factories, become a highland spectacle. Altun's rivers, lakes, springs protection Altun There are eight rivers in the region with a large number of seasonal rill basin, formed a plateau in the two, that is, exposed glacial melt water and spring water. protected areas of various shapes rivers, direct prose basin; some occasionally lurk into the ground, sometimes out of the ground,beijing escort, slowly bring together the basin depression; some water purity; have salinity up to 71.5 g / liter. 苏鲁贝提勒 grams River to protect the area's largest creek, the aboriginal in the current Qingfeng Mountain, Ke Kumu teeth into the lake A total length of 280 km, the basin area of ​​6250 square kilometers . protected area lakes, with a total area of ​​1,200 square kilometers, accounting for 2.7% of protected areas, to adapt the weather plays an momentous role in the region. A dental grams Kumu Lake Conservation Area is located in the northern area of ​​536 square kilometers, is a protected area the largest lake, Lake O the Kule protected areas in the western area of ​​352 square kilometers, salinity 81.6 g / L, the lake stands the two islands, from afar, like a ship through the waves forward. a large number of birds alive on the isle. Whale Lake Conservation Area is located south of the lake is labeled later the shape of whales. Kumu Lake and g the g Kumu Lake, Uighur phoned said that a pastoral place to live, is residual ice age glaciers by the end moraine lake. by the role of structural faults and mistake fissure water control water blocking effect of the amount of groundwater protection area very different south and north, by the fault to the south, there are many spring wreck. in the limestone strata bare springs, is a good groundwater resources. Kumu protected area northeast of the northern foot of the incline angle Curry sand sand mountain spring, there are 3 elevation of 3920 meters of the spring, the east, south and west surrounded on 3 sides by sand hills, prologue of the funnel was north.'s largest spring in the 200 meters in diameter, the other two to 50 meters. spring for the fall spring characteristics, the slope angle diffuser line to spill thousands of shares, whether the people stand in spring water, shaking the sink. Mingbu Mubarak, that clear mountain springs. 3 rocks in the Altun Mountain Nature Reserve, melting landscape of Aer Ge Shan, there are an ancient landscape of rock blend, east Buka Daban mountain, the West merely Ah its Kule Lake, 350 km long, broad 20-30 km, an area of ​​about 10,000 square kilometers by an top of 4400-5000 meters deep into the mountains. This piece of ancient limestone hill after thousands of years of air and rain, liquefied differentiation, showing a strange shape. lined Shi Feng,conception mammals and see butterflies and watching insects, and some where they stand, blue line; some like a camel, elephant, dragon, Crouching Tiger, penholder, bridges, temples, will be Taiwan, cacti, stone flag, Shuanma stack, vivid; there mix the solution trench, stone bud, corridor, corridors. Altun karst topography, the local areas affected by the Quaternary glaciers in the form of overlaying karst landforms glacial landform, the precipice Qiqiao, hanging glaciers, spectacular. Altun Nature Reserve into the eye is surrounded by the first plateau basin Bingfeng snow, it was stately and impressive and stately, adds unlimited protected areas magnetism. Plateau basin margin of the mountains, and development of modern glaciers, the northern margin of Qi Man Tage ridge, southern Xinjiang, wood Zita Ge peak-to-side, a total of 388 glaciers covering an area of ​​878.3 square km, the stream of protected areas ice storage was 67.82 billion cubic meters total. wood Zita Ge peaks and glaciers Xinqingfeng is focused on development of modern geography, glacier area of ​​the protected areas, 77.5% of the total area of ​​glaciers, the thickness of 100 meters. Here glaciers diverse, with hanging glaciers, cirque glaciers, ravine glaciers, ice slopes, flat-topped glaciers and so on. Some of the waves like freezing, and some like rest of the flock, and some radiated keel, like a glazed ridge arbitrage arc afterward another, some hanging like the smokes Raoshan Hill, the natural marvels of creation of dazzling snow.

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