Thursday, April 28, 2011


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pig in China is the world's huge nation, but product was cheap, the adult countries per brain pig pig mutton product herds up to 150 kg, merely 100 kg of every of the agriculture environment is penniless, causing disease staggering loss, solemn consume pig manufacture is facing solemn challenges to sustainable development.
to achieve the fundamental pig growth.
culture environment: pollution is serious cause for concern

how to make life happy and healthy child pigs is breeders, clients and the common desire of livestock researchers.
healthy culture is a variety of high quality, secure, efficient and pollution as the chief target, amount, quality both ecological benefits and the sustainable development of aquaculture.
Chongqing Academy of Animal Science, according to Dean Liu Zuohua researchers, even now even whereas China is the world's largest maker of livestock, 50% of the world's pigs, poultry 18%, 10% 23% of cattle and sheep are raised in our country, meat and egg production ranked first in the world for numerous annuals, but the use of livestock breeding and the presentation of species .2004 low scope up to $ 200,000,000 price of livestock and poultry and pigs industry in the bin and ternary mongrel seed scope of less than 50%, livestock and poultry slaughter rate is low.
he said, also should not be overlooked is that, including the pig breeding industry, including the agricultural sector has chance the premier A big polluters, an year discharge of over 2.7 billion tons of livestock manure, farming waste water up to 100 million tons. concentrated aquaculture in some areas, the pollution occasioned by livestock and poultry have reached a very serious class. a lot of culture concentration area sewers stench sky, mosquitoes, disease, breeding, water, soil heavily polluted.
more worrying is that the modern large-scale, intensive aquaculture production will undoubtedly increase the level of the fatigue force, but the animals in the production process should be in a serious excited state of deterioration in animal welfare, and instantly influence the quality of animal products. At the same time scale, intensive production also resulted in the breeding of bacteria, the dosage increased, intensified, resulting in a variety of sexually transmitted diseases, resistant bacteria sources, aquaculture,shanghai massage, caustic environmental degradation.
It is understood namely aquaculture amplified countries together excellent importance to environmental risks, the equilibrium of nutrients from the feed technology, bio-fermentation of cattle and fowl plough wastes such as sound processing technology to the evolution of safety evaluation technologies are very quick, which is farm pollution obstruction statutes and regulations cater a basis because the formulation, merely also for the rigid implementation of these laws and regulations may be provided.
though in 2000, China promulgated the measures is by far mature, large-scale use is still the one hand, the production of high bronze and zinc, and arsenic preparations have serious environmental hazards such as additives, on the other hand the absence of animal manure in reducing nitrogen and phosphorus excretion of effective measures , aquaculture sewage volume. The nutrient status of the urgent need to improve feed utilization, reduce waste emissions and boost recycling of waste resources utilization. Expert Comment:
animal husbandry output amount of China's 1.3 trillion,toronto escorts, accounting for total agricultural 34% of output,beijing massage, but the late begin of modern animal husbandry, backward production means, technological level is still low, the management basis is feeble, compared with developed countries there are manifest gaps, particularly in the conversion efficiency of animal husbandry, environmental pollution, animal product quality and safety appearances of the emphatic problems have seriously affected the sustainable development of livestock and livestock industry's competitiveness in the international market. urgent need for science and technology as support, to create a new industrial farming model, and upgrading of industrial technology,shenzhen massage, improve production efficiency to defend the animal edible safety, reduce environmental pollution and increase their earnings.
new breeding technology: improving the measure of boar semen bring offthe country
very differ natural climatic conditions, such for the South summer in most chapters of high temperature and tall natural weather rainy, resulting in boar decreased appetite, decreased rate of digest and digestion of nutrients, depressed protein synthesis, seriously affecting the reproductive representation of boars, such as semen volume, sperm density and sperm motility are always decreased significantly, the research group to reduce hot and moist environment on reproductive representation of boars negative impact, engaging in widespread research.
them through to the hot and humid environment and green vigor and protein feed on the effects of boar semen quality study, prelude screening a hot and humid environment to improve the quality of boar semen quality,A dad apt your mommy 's stupid asylum it, effective process feed formulation and feeding technique. compared with the traditional propagating process, the process under the boars semen volume, sperm density and sperm motility were increased 14.51%, 31.88% and 8.45%. And, add green straw can improve boar sperm viability, additional blood urea nitrogen, lower blood sugar levels.
the scientific completions Longchang County pig farm in Sichuan Province, China Animal Husbandry Industry Group in Chongqing, Chongqing pig farm, etc. a lot of application, the achieve is significant. At present a aggregate of hot and humid environment to promote personal boars feed additive premix and feed of 500 tons. Experts:
the topics, the tin improve the efficiency and the use of pig reproductive performance of sows.
green additive: improving pig welfare
Liu Zuohua said, long time, for one-sided pursuit of high growth rate and feed conversion efficiency, the damage of antibiotics and chemical synthesis drugs is widespread, resulting in a premonitory ebb in the quality of pork products in a serious drug residues, but also fjust aboutil and water environment causing serious injury. Therefore, by nutrient control technology, research into fashionable safety green feed cumulative - ride safety culture (involving plant active substances, probiotics, enzymes, immune enhancer, herbal preparations, can replace antibiotics) and the compatibility and synergistic technology integration technology is an efficacious access to reduce antibiotic residues.
Task Force use of green, pollution-free The vegetation extract lively substances (oregano oil) and probiotics (microbial agents), and accommodate the fared content of vitamins and trace ingredients apt cultivate the growing-finishing piglet ailment resistance, accentuate resistance, replacing the use of antibiotics. In particular, joining Oregano fuel + nutritional norm of processing, the rate of hog weight acquire and feed conversion efficiency was better than the medicine group. even encountered the disease in pigs beneath stress, oregano oil + nutritional regulation of elementary non-pork group the impact of stress at the disease, growth rate and feed transition efficiency namely much better than the antibiotic group. Experts:
all agricultural production and processing may be accustom in pesticides, veterinary drugs, feed additives, agricultural chemicals, are ; affirmative list system agricultural exports. to wreck through the barriers, the only effective way is to strengthen the source control, through the planting and breeding bases in the inspection and quarantine for the record, so that pesticides, veterinary drugs used in a controllable state, to fully residence the technical barriers to trade related foreign . In increase, to strengthen our animal products in the worldwide mart competitiveness, the absence to improve the health of livestock farming in scale on the ability of the system.
Recycling: Let the pig waste to treasure
Now, with the China's livestock feed industry and the rapid development of aquaculture pollution has become the use of industrial pollution and life after the third-largest source of water pollution. According to Liu Zuohua introduction, the environmental pollution caused even nowming is the key problem of the use of resources deserving to inadequate attention, not to treat manure as a resource, but as waste disposal, management is not promptly become sources of pollution, the study of waste mainly from the processing point of view, preferably than from the perspective of effective use to think.
pig muck diminution of emissions rebate technology is the focus of research group. They use bio-fermentation technology, pig excrement mixed with rice husk, sawdust, hay mixture of bacteria and yeast and other organic trash, and add the complex microbial fermentation of bacteria, made of high quality either through the fermentation of organic manure biological activity, but also a great number of microorganisms into compartment protein for pig feed and enhance pig growth and improve pig immunity and reduce the pig disease. At the same period, enabling pig (bar, circle)-free clean, no smell, feces and urine to accomplish a healthy mores and the purpose of naught emissions. results show that: raw protein content of feces, ammonia nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium content, the atmosphere hydrogen sulfide content decreased 11.50%, 49.57% , 23.78%, 46.15%, 0.0064mg/m3. Expert Comment:
pig through the ecological cycle of health research and industrialization of opener technology demonstrations, development of the environmental specifics of different districts and different levels of eco pig farms necessitated sustainable and healthy pig model of new technologies, new models, new production processes and standards, the establishment of ecological cycle of three-dimensional scale pig farming and the industrialization of new technology demonstration model, the formation of efficient ecological cycle of modern pig breeding technology system health, promote the pig industry the establishment of circular economy.

6 月 23 Day International Olympic Day [1894 along] / World Handball Day

Calendar of news journalists must
1 月份
1 月 1 New Year's Day / Black Day (first Sunday in January)
1 月 7 日 Laba Festival [lunar month (the twelfth lunar month) Chuba]
1 月 8 日 30th commemoration of the necrosis of Zhou Enlai [1976]
1 月 22 日 small annuals [Lunar twelfth lunar month twenty-three]
1 月 28 日 New Year's Eve [Lunar twelfth lunar month 9] January 29 Japanese New Year [first lunar month]
(last Sunday in January) International Leprosy Day (World Day to Combat Leprosy Day) [1954]
2 月份
2 月 2 Day World Wetlands Day
February 7th International Day of Solidarity with South Africa [1964]
2 月 10 Day International Weather Festival [1991]
2 月 12 日 Lantern Festival [Lunar New Year]
2 月 14 日Western Valentine's Day
2 月 15 日 China's 1.2 billion population day [since 1995]
safety advising at Jilin City [2004 per year from commercial fire]
2 月 19 日 anniversary of the death of Deng Xiaoping [1997 Since]
2 月 21 日 struggle against the colonial system at [1949]
2 月 24 日 Third World Youth Day, World Day
2 月 28 scrutinize the living conditions at
3 月份 < br> 3 月 1 Day International seals at [1983] / Rend section [Lunar February] / primary and secondary school
3 月 3 on the day of Ear Care Day [2000]
3 月 5 China Youth Volunteer Service Day Day / Lei Feng,apt explicit the maritime nay accumulation point ambition spend billions of dollars,toronto escort, Mao Zedong wrote an inscription for the daytime (studying from Lei Feng Day)
3 月 8 International Women's Day [1910]
3 月 12 日 Arbor Day in China [1979] < br> 3 月 14 Day International Police Day (Day)
3 15 International Consumer Rights Day [1983]
3 16 Day
3 月 17 Day International Maritime Day / China National Medical segment [1929]
3 月 18 on the day of aptitude Day
3 月 21 issue of World Sleep Day / International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination [1976 Since]
World Forestry Day (World Forest Day) [1972] / World Day
3 月 22 anthems on World Water Day [1993]
3 月 23 World Meteorological Day [1960 Since]
3 月 24 Day World tuberculosis Day [1996]
3 27 (the final Monday of March) at the national primary and secondary safety teaching [1996]
4 月份
4 月 1 International Day Fool
4 月 2 Day International Children's Book Day
4 月 5 日 festival [according to the lunar solar terms set]
4 月 7 World Health Day [1950, ]
4 月 11 日 Hui Song Festival (Zhuang) [3 days of lunar month]
4 月 16 (third Sunday in April) World Children's Day [1986]
4 月 21 日National Entrepreneurs Day [1994]
4 月 22 World Earth Day [1970] / World Law Day
4 月 23 Day World Book and Copyright Day [1995]
4 24th World Youth Day against colonialism, [1957] / Asian Journalists at
Jiaohe Jilin Ji. Tengda coal bomb flooding accident King Day [2005]
4 月 25 on the day of Prevention Vaccination Awareness Day [1986]
4 月 26 World Intellectual Property Day [2001] / (April last Wednesday), Secretary's Day
KMT mainland revisited afterward 60 years the 1st day [in 2005 from]
4 月 27 Japan Union City at
4 月 30 on the day of reflection on road safety
5 月份
5 月 1 International Labour Day [since 1889]
5 月 3 World Asthma Day at 月 4 日
5 China Youth [1939]
Prevention Day [1994]
Buddha's Birthday Festival (Hong Kong) [April eighth day of the Lunar] / North Mountain Temple [lunar eighth day]
5 月 8 Day World Red Cross Day [1948] / World Smile Day
Chinese legation in Yugoslavia NATO bombing anniversary [in 1999]
5 月 12 Day International Nurses Day [1912]
5 月 14 (the second Sunday in May) Mother's Day [1914]
help impoverished moms day [1997]
5 15 International Family (Advisory) at [1994] / North Mountain Temple [Lunar April 18]
May 16 (third Tuesday in May) International Day [1961]
5 月 17 World Telecommunication Day [1969]
5 月 18 Day International Museum Day
5 20 April National Breastfeeding Awareness Day [1990 onwards] / student nourishment at the Chinese [1990 along]
5 21 (third Sunday of May) The National Disabled Day [1990]
5 月 25 at North Mountain Temple [Lunar April 28]
5 月 26 World Day Challenge Day apt the human condition [1993]
5 月 30
5 月 31 Day World No Tobacco Day [1988] / Dragon Boat Festival [May fifth day of the Lunar]
6 月份
6 月 1 Day International Children's Day [1949]
6 月3, Day at the National College Entrance Examination [3 days from today]
the beginning day of the World Cup in Germany [German time 21:00, Beijing time on June 8 as early as 4:00]
6 月 10 (second Saturday of June ) China Cultural Heritage Day [2006]
6 月 11 日 China's population at
6 月 17 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
6 月 18 (third Sunday in June) Father's Day
6 月 20 Day World Refugee Day [2001]
6 月 22 日 China Children Charity Day
6 月 23 Day International Olympic Day [1894 onwards] / World Handball Day
6 25th National Land Day [1991]
6 月 26 Day International Day Against Drug Abuse (International Anti-Drugs Day) [1987]
Day International Charter (Charter Day)
6 月 30 日World Youth Festival
7 月份
7 月 1 Day China *** was connate at [1921] / Hong Kong Reunification Day [1997]
International Day of the [1985] / Asia [1976]
7 月 7 日 anniversary of the Chinese People's War [from the Marco Polo Bridge incident in 1937]
7 月 11 Day World (50 million) Population Day [1987]
7 月 26 at Esperanto (statement) was founded at
7 月 28 日 World War I [1914] / 30 anniversary of Tangshan earthquake [1976]
7 月 30 日
7 月 African Women's Day 31, Chinese Valentine's Day Tanabata (Fairy Festival) [Lunar July seventh day]
Huadian City, Jilin Province, the anniversary of floods 11 [1995]
8 月份 月 1 日
8 People's Liberation Army building Army Day [1927]
8 月 6 Day International Film Festival [1932]
8 月 8 日 Chinese Man Festival (Daddy Day) [1988]
folklore Halloween legal advice at the National Day [1993]
9 月份 月 3 日
9 Sino-Japanese War Victory Day [1945]
9 月 8 International Journalists (consensus) at [1958 Since]
World Literacy Day [1966]
9 月 9 日 30th anniversary of the death of Mao Zedong [1976]
9 月 10 日 Chinese Teacher's Day [1985]
9 月11, United States,shenzhen massage, three Saturday) National Defense Education Day [2001]
9 月 18, third Tuesday every month) International Day of Peace [1981]
9 月 20 aboard the day of Love Teeth Day [1989]
9 24 (fourth Sunday in September) International Day of the Deaf / (the last Sunday of September) World Heart Day
(9 on the last one on Sunday) World Maritime Day
9 月 27 Day World Tourism Day
10 月份
10 月 1 National Day [1949] / International Music Day [1980]
International Day for the Elderly [1990]
10 月 2 Day International Peace (with democracy and freedom) skirmish by [1949]
( the first Monday in October) at the International Housing [1982]
10 月 4 Day World Animal Day [1949]
10 月 6 日 Mid-Autumn Festival [Lunar Calendar]
10 National Hypertension Day on 8 May [1998] / World Sight Day / International Day
10 月 9 left-hander on World Post Day (UPU Day) [1969]
10 月 10 日 Revolution Day [1911] / World Health Day apartment
World Mental Health Day [1992]
10 月 11 日 Day of Solidarity with South African political prisoners
(10 second Wednesday) to reduce international Natural Disaster [1990]
10 月 13 日 birthday of the Chinese Young Pioneers [1949] / World Health Day / International Teacher's Day
adopted as an multinational criterion GMT time at [1884 from]
10 月 14 Day World Standards Day [1969]
10 15 International Day for the blind (white cane section) [1984]
10 月 16 Day World Food Day [1979 from]
10 月 17 World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty
10 月 22 on World Traditional Medicine Day [1992]
10 月 24 United Nations Day [1945] / World Development Information Day
October 28th at the world men's health [2000]
10 月 30 日 Double Ninth Festival [September ninth day] / age section of China [since 1989]
10 月 31 Day World diligence at
11 月 8 日 January press section of China [2000]
11 月 9 日 China Fire Awareness Day (Fire Festival) [1992]
11 月 10 Day World Youth Day (Japan) [ ,],beijing massage,[World Diabetes Day
11 月 15 日 11th anniversary of the bombard in Jilin City Museum [1994]
11 月 17 Day International Student Festival (International Student Day) [1946]
11 月 21 issue of World Television Day [1996] / World Greetings at [1973]
11 23 (fourth Thursday in November) Thanksgiving Day
12 月份 Western
12 月 1 World AIDS Day [1988]
12 月 2 日 World Day to abolish entire forms of slavery [in 1986]
12 月 3 Day World Day of Disabled Persons [1992]
12 月 4 日 China Legal Publicity Day [2001]
12 月 5 (Economic Development Agency and the Council) International Volunteer Day [1985]
world maimed day
12 月 7 International Civil Aviation Day
12 April 9, ) International Children's Television Broadcasts
12 月 11 days on World Day opposition the disease [1998]
12 月 12 日 anniversary of the Xi'an Incident [1936]
12 月 13 日 anniversary of Nanjing Massacre [1937]
12 月 15 Day World Immunization Day
12 月 20 anniversary of the handover,beijing massage, Macau [1999]
12 International Day Basketball Day 月 21 月 24 日 truce
12 Night
12 December 25 for Christmas
12 月 26 日 Carnival Night / Day tsunami in the Indian Ocean [2004]
Mao Zedong's Birthday [193 students]
12 月 29 International Day of biological variety Day [1994]

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Travel sina
Altun Nature Reserve which is a deserted no man's land, there is no signal, no supplies, not even roads.
Lost, trapped car is constantly the case.
There are many wild animals, many of them have a great threat to the bears, wild yak, wild boar, panthers and so on, their aggressions are deadly!
Therefore,shanghai massage, to enter the Altun Nature Reserve, you must make full readiness.
one into the mountain passes into the Altyn
must Korla Xinjiang Nature Reserve National Nature Reserve Management Office Altun Altun into the protected area for the pass, and to disburse 1350 yuan / human treatment fares . Altun protected areas in the major junctions have established checkpoints.
Second, road traffic conditions
the overall traffic situation in Xinjiang is better, and some national expressway can work 150 km / h, but the nature maintenance Altun little sense of the region's roads are usually the only desert, grassland and India on the road as a reference. good times and bad, per hour in the 30-50 km / hour. terror maximum is the rain is too wet, the likelihood is To trap the car, there is over the sand river, the water is laborious to pass large. Therefore, the best 2 cars or more to the mountains, but also you have experienced guides guide the access,guangzhou escort, where there are not refueling along the course, have to have a supply of cars accompanying.
three, the weather and the best voyage season, do not know the Chinese Xinjiang
not excellent. The temperature is great in Xinjiang, as much as 40 degrees. highlands weather is changeable, you will sagacity into the The highest temperature up to 40 degrees, so bring ample clothing to take the whole, from shorts to short-sleeved jacket.
Altun Nature Reserve, the best travel season is 6-9 months, and (Qi Man Tage Township) and a few other places have water added, most places are no fresh water to multiplication, let alone food.
communication marker protection only by co-Ke Pati central station ( Qi Man Tage Township) near the semaphore, not elsewhere.
6, equipment recommendations
(a) Personal equipment
1, pack 2. large package to be capable to hold their own asset principle, can not eligible plug, there is the best sack pack for easy shipment. packet to apply the principle of light, camera bag or wallet can also be used instead, be proficient to hold valuables on the line.
2, sleeping bags and moisture-proof pad. sleeping comfortably warm temperatures likened m10 degrees beneath 0 degrees to m10 degree plus a quilt, or with two sleeping bags. a sleeping bag takes on isolation, tenderness + health.
3, clothes . mountain snow, a bit cold at night. generally Jackets, fleece or sweater, Trousers + Qiuku, the cold can bring down jacket or a cotton jacket, svelte wool jeans, thick socks. Band 3 more than sets of underwear drying perspiration, because the mountains have no place to take a bath, can only depend on for clean clothes. Of course not afraid to sweat, not scared to foul in the end you can dress one.
4, two-bar shoes .1-3 . a pair of hiking shoes or sports shoes can be, and you want to bring casual shoes, slippers, it is your own entity, at the peak of you can administer it on the line.
5, Sun. wide-brimmed cap or umbrella, sunglasses, mittens, sunscreen more than 30 periods, it is best to bring Repair Cream.
6, rain. raincoat or umbrella, waterproof backpack covers, waterproof bag.
7, headlamp, sword, power cell charger, plug cable board (not entire bands), and an every in dishes, isolated glass (about 1 liter), periodical towels and wet wipes, cleaning supplies cough.
8, individual food. the whole event to the main group meal, only individuals with a small amount of chocolate, beef jerky, American ginseng, gum and other personal habits of food on it.
9, individual drugs. used to buy medicines to focus on the main (see the list of public drugs), personal need to bring their own drugs habit.
(b) of the Public Drug
unified public apt purchase the best drugs (see narcotic catalogue) to facilitate the storage and use of tall anti-and anti-cold medication more than a tiny, the mound a agreeable mart!
1, anti- plateau reflects the drug: Plateau security, one hundred Ning narcotic tablets (altitude ailment headache when required),shenzhen massage, Rhodiola (drink tea), inosine tablets, pills Salvia way.
2, chilly medicine: Banlangen granules, Hong Tai grams, white with dark, cold pleasure factor.
3, gastrointestinal drugs: speaker is exposed pills, berberine, fluoride faction acid, intestines pills, Bao Ji balls.
4, anti-inflammatory drugs: a clear capsule, A Moxi Lin, cephalosporins, eye drips, etc.
5, clear powder: Niuhuangjiedu movies, periodontal Ning, clear bombard films, pharyngitis pills, cough syrup, cough Ning et.
6, bone-setting medicine: , Band-Aid, Yunnanbaiyao, assisting its woods, 伤湿止痛膏, athletic oil.
7, Emergency Medicine: Shi Dishui, Suxiaojiuxin Pill.
8, other drugs: aspirin, astemizole , by halo Ning, dermatitis and Sport, 21 gold VITA, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B6 (manipulation of nausea, vomiting).
9, cotton fleece, gauze, bandages.
(c) Public and equipment
1, 3 stove and jacketed kettle, bring their own.
2, 3 cylinders, the best buy in Korla, let the exercise.
3, radio 4, national. a GPS to better.
4, the camera 2.
(d) Public Food
us to converge ashore corruption in the main accident, the food at the wizard responsible as mountain, the mountain appearance to eat in local restaurants nectar favor a fish out. So, to streamlining the principle of public food from the 1st purchase in Urumqi, mainly meat Shuanghui 5 copies Laoganma 2 flasks, seaweed and eggs soup 2 great bags, 10 parcels of mustard, Guozhen 1 pack, glucose 2 large archives. too comes with some coffee, tea ...
seven, circle devise and timing of
Altun mountain nature reserve's main attractions is the three lakes: Sand Hill Kumu Curry Ah Ke Kumu teeth Lake (3870 m), A the Kule Lake (4250 m), Whale Lake (4,700 meters).
consider the problem of high altitude adaptation, it ought be in accordance with the array from low to high to play, that is, : Kumu Curry sand hills mm A dental grams Kumu Lake (3870 m) mm A the Kule Lake (4250 m) mm Whale Lake (4,700 meters).
not specially laid for the whole automobile, then hike approximately 10 days is fitting (in Korla is the starting point), It’s about time:
D1: Korla m Ruoqiang - Milan Town - by swallowing Blackburn town (740 km).
D2: by swallowing the town of Blackburn m --- 阿特阿特坎 Atta body Han River m new Daban (4774 m) - by co-Ke Pati central station (310 km).
D3: --- Carl by co-Ke Pati Carl Winter protection of grassland and winter m station (150 km).
D4: Carl Winter Carl Winter Grassland Protection Station mm mm-by co-Ke Pati (150 km).
D5, along to co-Ke Pati - A black bear teeth Kule Lake m m gold hill junction (180 km).
D6, gold crossings --- A The Kule Lake (100 km).
D7, A the Kule Lake --- Whale Lake (220 annuals).
D8: Whale Lake - A lake of its Kule (220 years).
D9: Ah the Kule Lake --- Yu Su Pua Luck --- Milan.
D10: ---- Korla metropolis of Milan.
eight other attentions
1, to ascertain a good guide;
2, car rental situation a little better off-road vehicles ( more than two);
3, with enough to eat, drink, use, especially fuel and water;
4, try to prefer a scenic place to camp;
5, pay attention to safety, not a walk alone.
Altun Mountain Nature Reserve,
About the southeast edge of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is situated in Altun Mountain Nature Reserve, contiguous to Qinghai and Tibet, the west border Ruoqiang and Qiemo counties, eastern of Xinjiang the junction of the 2 provinces of Qinghai, north to the south of Qi Man Tage Altun Mountain in Xinjiang and Tibet south boundaries of the East Kunlun Mountains, 360 kilometers from east to west, 190 km from north to south, with a total space of ​​44,940 square kilometers, with an mean elevation of 4,500 meters, an place of ​​45,000 square kilometers, accounting for China's land zone 4.7p. protected area was created in 1983, two years after, is listed as National Nature Reserve.
northern Altun protected areas occupied by the West segment of soak terrain, the east partition of the mountain are mostly low mountains and hills constitute the Qaidam and Tarim Basin, a normal barrier to the two; southern spur from the Eastern Kunlun Mountains and Hoh Xil Qi Man Tage circled by Kumu kul basin, elevation In 4000m4500 meters. protection of surface area, landform type complex, foreign and rich normal landscape, the mountains are exceedingly rare and ancient abandon karst landforms, development extending thousands of square kilometers, spectacle. Yongquan thousands of protected areas groups, lakes, weathering Rock Hill mix, row above row of peaks, for a kind of wildlife habitat to cater a variety.
barrier to deep valleys where desert inaccessible, as the geographical breaches in rare globe District one of the high-profile.
the nineteenth centenary, Russian explorers Pool Heat Val Chomsky and Swedish browser Sven Hedin who has capable b hard to get into the protected area and the corner chapter of the region, and described from different outlooks here the natural conditions and biological resources. testified to render list of their grim and desolate here, they call here the other.
1982, the Chinese scientific expedition team first in-depth here, called here as the Harvard University professor Dr. Barber to this mountain climbing expedition, he sent a letter to his Chinese friend said: My favorite is most acceptable to me! solitary Tibetan wild ass, Tibetan antelope, wild yak and other wild animals, but also enjoy the scenic wonders of the mountains to the snow-capped mountains, glaciers, deserts, marshes, grasslands, lakes, karst landforms such as the original natural prettiness and rich.
mountaineer was undoubtedly the most pleasing protected areas in the southwest corner of wood Zita Ge peak. meters, 6,000 meters upon the surrounding peaks with more than 50. peaks surrounded by very a lot of number of glaciers in different styles and which Bingta Lin Li, prevalent avalanches, hundreds of kilometers nigh the remote deserted, was dead. half of the nineteenth century, the Russian explorer Walter Poole Gaussian heat this adventure, because of natural conditions of reactive And back in October .1985, Sino-US Joint climbers for the first time human footprints left on the top.
wood Zita Ge peak is in the protected areas, wonders of the 9 dams were large grasslands, Kumu Kule desert, sand springs, whale Lake, Devil Valley, Aer Ka Ke Pati karst topography and the lake by the Society.
desert with a broad variety of Tibetan wild ass, Tibetan antelope , wild yak, wild camel, and black-necked crane, Tibetan snow rooster, Imperial Eagle, a jade sea eagles and additional rare birds and animals, forward with 241 varieties of wild factories, become a highland spectacle. Altun's rivers, lakes, springs protection Altun There are eight rivers in the region with a large number of seasonal rill basin, formed a plateau in the two, that is, exposed glacial melt water and spring water. protected areas of various shapes rivers, direct prose basin; some occasionally lurk into the ground, sometimes out of the ground,beijing escort, slowly bring together the basin depression; some water purity; have salinity up to 71.5 g / liter. 苏鲁贝提勒 grams River to protect the area's largest creek, the aboriginal in the current Qingfeng Mountain, Ke Kumu teeth into the lake A total length of 280 km, the basin area of ​​6250 square kilometers . protected area lakes, with a total area of ​​1,200 square kilometers, accounting for 2.7% of protected areas, to adapt the weather plays an momentous role in the region. A dental grams Kumu Lake Conservation Area is located in the northern area of ​​536 square kilometers, is a protected area the largest lake, Lake O the Kule protected areas in the western area of ​​352 square kilometers, salinity 81.6 g / L, the lake stands the two islands, from afar, like a ship through the waves forward. a large number of birds alive on the isle. Whale Lake Conservation Area is located south of the lake is labeled later the shape of whales. Kumu Lake and g the g Kumu Lake, Uighur phoned said that a pastoral place to live, is residual ice age glaciers by the end moraine lake. by the role of structural faults and mistake fissure water control water blocking effect of the amount of groundwater protection area very different south and north, by the fault to the south, there are many spring wreck. in the limestone strata bare springs, is a good groundwater resources. Kumu protected area northeast of the northern foot of the incline angle Curry sand sand mountain spring, there are 3 elevation of 3920 meters of the spring, the east, south and west surrounded on 3 sides by sand hills, prologue of the funnel was north.'s largest spring in the 200 meters in diameter, the other two to 50 meters. spring for the fall spring characteristics, the slope angle diffuser line to spill thousands of shares, whether the people stand in spring water, shaking the sink. Mingbu Mubarak, that clear mountain springs. 3 rocks in the Altun Mountain Nature Reserve, melting landscape of Aer Ge Shan, there are an ancient landscape of rock blend, east Buka Daban mountain, the West merely Ah its Kule Lake, 350 km long, broad 20-30 km, an area of ​​about 10,000 square kilometers by an top of 4400-5000 meters deep into the mountains. This piece of ancient limestone hill after thousands of years of air and rain, liquefied differentiation, showing a strange shape. lined Shi Feng,conception mammals and see butterflies and watching insects, and some where they stand, blue line; some like a camel, elephant, dragon, Crouching Tiger, penholder, bridges, temples, will be Taiwan, cacti, stone flag, Shuanma stack, vivid; there mix the solution trench, stone bud, corridor, corridors. Altun karst topography, the local areas affected by the Quaternary glaciers in the form of overlaying karst landforms glacial landform, the precipice Qiqiao, hanging glaciers, spectacular. Altun Nature Reserve into the eye is surrounded by the first plateau basin Bingfeng snow, it was stately and impressive and stately, adds unlimited protected areas magnetism. Plateau basin margin of the mountains, and development of modern glaciers, the northern margin of Qi Man Tage ridge, southern Xinjiang, wood Zita Ge peak-to-side, a total of 388 glaciers covering an area of ​​878.3 square km, the stream of protected areas ice storage was 67.82 billion cubic meters total. wood Zita Ge peaks and glaciers Xinqingfeng is focused on development of modern geography, glacier area of ​​the protected areas, 77.5% of the total area of ​​glaciers, the thickness of 100 meters. Here glaciers diverse, with hanging glaciers, cirque glaciers, ravine glaciers, ice slopes, flat-topped glaciers and so on. Some of the waves like freezing, and some like rest of the flock, and some radiated keel, like a glazed ridge arbitrage arc afterward another, some hanging like the smokes Raoshan Hill, the natural marvels of creation of dazzling snow.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

from our soul

From Lihua Fang's translation, Prize as Literature. even warned me that if I came to boycott my book.
why, surely fierce battle violent in the Gaza Strip. According to the UN scrutinize,toronto escort, extra than 1,000 people died in the blockaded Gaza City, many unarmed civilians, babies and the aged mm.
behind receipt of notice of the reward, I queried myself, at a time when to Israel to receive a scholastic award is appropriate, will create the impression that I support the clash The party, or a alternative I aid the release of overwhelming force of citizen policy. Of way, I do not want to inflict that impression. I do not agree with any warfare, I do not support any party. Of lesson I do not want my book boycott.
merely in the end After careful attention, I resolved to come here. I do have causative too numerous people acquaint me not to do so. Perhaps, favor many additional novelists, constantly meantime the other way line of. If people acquaint me mm principally while they warned me mm might say, this is my ecology for a author. Novelists are heterogeneous. They can not believe anybody of the things no private experience.
and this is the reason why I am here. I chose to visit the scene, preferably than shirk and much of. I chose to come, rather than rotate a blind eye. I favor to talk to you, rather than not.
but amuse grant me to deliver a very personal information. This is what I all keep in idea when writing the novel asset. I never even mounted it to shape to the writing on the wall: but it engraved on the wall of my heart, it is as follows:
Yes, not material how tall walls , wrote works namely stand ashore the side of the wall, so what amount do the work? What namely the averaging of this metaphor? some cases, it was also simple and explicit. bombers, tanks, rockets and shells is the hard white phosphorus walls. those who are crushed, scalded and shot unarmed civilians is the eggs. This is a metaphorical definition.
But this is not all. It carries a deeper meaning. Think about it, Each of us more or less an egg. Every individual has a unique, irreplaceable, mantled in a brittle shell in the soul. for me, so each of you as well. each of us, or hardly ever must face a wall. The wall has called We are cold-blooded means, mainly and systematically kill others.
merely one reason I write novels. That is the dignity of the individual marrow, it showed brilliance. the anecdote is intended apt sound an fear,my current peppery hair, the system with the sunny light, so that it is recruiting and demeaning apt our marrow. I firmly believe that the novelist's task is apt continue to pursue the anecdote by manuscript to illuminate the uniqueness of each individual conscience with the life and necrosis stories mm, with a love article,shanghai massage, the story of tears with the human, with a chilling story, a story with folk wreathed in smiles. This is our day to daytime careful fictions.
Today I wish to convey to you fair one thing. we are always human, are further the nationality, race, creed individuals are faced with is phoned the wish of obtaining, it have to get cracking the soul of our own and others, the utter believe of the unique and irreplaceable, from our soul, the warmth received together.
Please Think about it. We all have a real, living soul. The System has no soul. We can not allow the System to exploit us. We can not allow systems to exploit us. The System did not create us: we created the system.
This is what I want to say to you everything.

World Earth Day

April calendar holiday ,and namely acts of hooliganism,beijing massage
4月5日Ching Ming Festival (Tomb-sweeping Day)
4月7 World Health Day (World Health Day)
4月22 World Earth Day (World Earth Day)
4月26 World Intellectual Property Day (World Intellectual Property Day)

not doubt

Carbon life, from the number. In order to curb climate misadventure, and to fulfill its liability on behalf of Premier Wen Jiabao went to Denmark to attend a high-profile Chinese government. China in energy saving and emission reduction has taken a array of positive response, quickly promised to control greenhouse gas emissions targets by 2020 units in the servant mm GDP CO2 emissions underneath 2005 levels by 40m45%, China as a responsible major country in the carbon reduction commitment on the people of the world with affection.
Beijing for the capital of China, but also a high consumption level of city, where public The average year consumption of meat, 60 kg, 20% of the population up to 70 kg. daytime after day, year after year,. Broadwood China, hotels dinner intensive, there will be almost necessary feast, a dinner will be meat, most folk still deem in ; no meat, not a seat, the heat is also high, and too mini exercise, resulting in the prevalent accident of diseases of culture, generally overweight, this phenomenon and early entrance into the affluent society, similar to the Western globe. learn of its cause, is very simple, well-developed due to meat production and direction of life. Beijing every species of the size of farms of more than 3,000 (According to incomplete statistics, the Beijing-scale farms and agriculture region of 3,500, of which more than 1,300 pig farms, pig herds of more than 260 million pate, more than 1,000 farms, 360 in herds multi-million, in addition there are 20 million head of livestock.) desire to meet the basket and the meat is likewise brought solemn Manure and wastewater emissions, Beijing's average yearly production of livestock and poultry fertilizer 800 million tons of sewage 15.9 million tons, meat production is more a great digit of ammonia emissions, scent pollution and greenhouse gases, meat is a high concentration of carbon productions, carbon abatement when the premier hack of meat. Beijing, for the leading city, if early into the areas of social life, vigor and material consumption, reducing waste and the waste volume,toronto asian escort, to accomplish the stamina saving contribution. advocating the simple life, subtraction life, not to be elated of material estates, nobody luxurious waste of disgrace. society equal to the excess carbon emissions. According to the United Nations in 2006, meat; ammonia is causing mordant rain. Methane is the most essential non-CO2 greenhouse gases, animal husbandry, the largest source of methane produced, no doubt, meat industry is the culprit of greenhouse gases. the surface of manure contamination is enough to cause a headache, an animal is a source, a harvest is a filth field and the colossal carbon emissions pomp. a fowl Nissan 0.1 kg air-dried feces, a million chickens is the annual output of 3,600 tons of manure; a cow manure 19 kg of Nissan, an hundred livestock manure measured to 684 tons annual output; a row of pig manure at 5 kg, a thousand pigs, 2,000 tons; if the floods came, and the daily output of 25 tons of sewage, effluent reached in tons. and eat a pounds of pork per human per day is equivalent to 0.28 kg of criterion coal energy saving, emission reduction, 0.7 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
Second, in the quondam, we acknowledge namely small-displacement car tumble tin soothe atmosphere pollution, yet the beef produced away even more than greenhouse gas emissions from transport. According to the United Nations, livestock greenhouse gas emissions account because 18% of the universal absolute, (while transport emissions 13-14%), more than always the world's vehicles, aeroplane, vessels of the total emissions. In increase, beast waste methane than transport generated more than 23 times; nearly two thirds of the global ammonia emissions from livestock. Animal husbandry namely the world's largest man-made sources of methane. redundant beef resulted in caustic air and environmental issues. According to the German eco-economy Research: carnivore on the equivalent carbon emissions occasioned by car dealers 4,758 km; vegetarian carbon footprint is depressed by half. British physicist Road is to stop the beef. homes uncomplicated lines, reducing carbon nurturing food, life, practice subtraction.
Third, excessive meat accessible lead to overweight and disease risk. A few years ago a examine in Beijing: Beijing urban residents in overweight males rate of 52% and the obesity rate was 7%, but obesity is the leadership malefactor in numerous chronic diseases, over the past 10 years, growth in Asian patients with diabetes to 57%; per 5 kg amplify in body heaviness, risk of coronary heart ailment risk will increase 14%; lacking 16% additional risk of hemorrhagic stroke. per 1 kg heaviness acquire, risk of diabetes ambition increase by 5%. immediately understood zoonosis more than 140 species, maximum of them eat their meat alternatively because of excessive due to close adjoin. vegetarian you do no must worry almost The food entity cause of necrosis, to dodge the disease (avian flu, foot and jaws disease, crazy cow disease, SARS, etc.) from the mouth. It is October 24, 2009, held in Chongqing, China's new Animal Husbandry and demonstration space of ​​modern animal husbandry Forum revealed that: today 80% of people emerging catching diseases are derived from animals, and in all the animals of infectious diseases, 50% can be transmitted to humans. meat manufacture, year afterward year, another fact is that a heap of of chemicals, hormones , pesticides, antibiotics, continue to intimidate public health. did no do ample in a edge of the global, not a Christ Christ does not seek, however the development of meat making can be the cost of a small nice ecological Peidiao Homeland Security and public health arrows. In array to ecological security, public health, should reduce the meat.
Fourth, the low-carbon lifestyle vegetarian in the Chinese orthodox culture See Su Bao Pu, a small personal desires, China has 40 million meager people, the problems they face is peckish, and we must expend almost 50% of appetite for feed grain to retain meat industry.
1, the first publicity ministry should be a reasonable treatment of vegetarian mores, create simple and feasible, low-carbon vegetarian food for energy to provide unlimited space for providing a premonitory carbon reduction latent. We are a vegetarian one day per person per day can be 4.1 kg of carbon dioxide emissions, and 4.1 kilograms of carbon reduction equivalent to 180 trees to absorb CO2 a day. So , vegetarian equivalent emission reduction is equal to green, mean green. as a reflection of ecological civilization, the human spirit, our private habits on the palate, impulse sympathy to surmount the small change, small as will bring about important changes in health for all, the huge low-carbon society contribution to the vegetarian noble doings, both as to endow to Beijing's blue sky, but also for citizen commitment to the The higher the ratio, the health sector should be extremely concerned about the maintenance of the people attached great importance to such phenomena and intend countermeasures. vegetarian reduce carbon emissions and reduce disease,beijing escort, Quo more self-serving. First World War, Denmark was federal blockade, in rejoinder to food deficits ,1917-1918 National 300 million people were forced to vegetarian, accidental result is that the mortality of the population than in the past 18 years actually decreased about 34%, this vegetarian experiment gives us inspiration is portly non-health support a vegetarian diet. cadres at all levels of government and should take the lead to enhance vegetarian lifestyle is largely meat create a sense of frugality, thrift purchaser support, but also favorable to refine thrift cadres at all levels, good neatness of plain living.
4, the Beijing civic government to residence global warming should be the gist and backbone, to use its mighty The appeal of science to guide public capital costing, rational vegetarian diet. Belgian city of Ghent in May 2009 announced that every Thursday is industrial optimization begin, ; low-carbon

environmental awareness and behavior apt advance strongly

1, the China Business June 18 special report on pollution in Taihu Lake National
1991 Taihu Lake began a project, 11 key projects have been put into the building In 1995, Lake was listed as the Lake, discharge criteria to achieve the chief basin, the water quality of Taihu Lake in 2006 to become remove. So, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and approximately the goal for a short-term targets can be met, said the suspect, but met with caustic objection at the conference. afterward proved namely this style of governance of sports movement, and not nice results.
NPC Environmental and Resources Protection Committee, agent adviser of the Office of Luo Jianhua that notwithstanding numerous cities are immediately built a sewage management vegetation, supporting the pipe web construction has not kept pace, especially amused in the surface of some leading rendition, and buried in the ground do not penetrate the performance of the pipe web construction is not athletic.
2, sixteen years without success Taihu Lake pollution reasons deep
pollution of Taihu Lake is a mirror, although time-consuming and pricey, but without success, indicating the hardship and complexity of environmental pollution. Environmental pollution Why is so laborious and complicated? The cause is the legacy of industrial pollution is the problem, is spliced to the product of economy development, industrialization and urbanization is a brilliant outcome. is the position of the former leading of the great achievements Renzhu Zheng, sometime head of the achievements of these emphatic Most have important positions in the people also fame. Now, the administration has several common, the fashionable leaders in power in a limited term of office, also requires a performance, to live up to the expectations of leaders and voters. However, Environmental pollution not only cost money, but also involves the vigor, can not the performance. not merely did not achievements, but also seriously affect economy development, such as environmental pollution solution for the problem is to close the polluting undertakings, enterprises shut down will reduce GDP, will reduce the fiscal income, will be laid-off workmen, commerce owners strongly disapproved to withstand, the community responded strongly hh. ruled the high ranking lawful in the region to be below enormous oppression. If they are inquired to take some real injustice.
China's environmental pollution and ecological imbalance and other issues, not the short fashion, there are historical reasons, but also the background. At that time, the development is the last word is the theme of industrialization and urbanization, environmental pollution and no attention as it is today, when no 1 has taken into list it. environmental issues are ignored, and this is the development of the amount, this is the limitations of the era, no an can complain. This moment was then, now, to enhance scientific development, the implementation of energy maintenance, is necessary to correct. Environmental pollution is the development of mode transition, is large and complex systems engineering, only the CPC Central Committee and decisive, the State Council to make decisions, depending on top-down political and governmental power to implement in mandate to achieve the lusted achieve. If no such environment, even now are there any places leadership, environmental awareness and action to advance strongly, pollution control in Taihu Lake, but also endow many. Taihu Lake counties regional projects cross inter-provincial inter-city ministries, there is no accordance in the party people the whole social location, and who has such a muscular coordination? mother daughter firm lax, not as dry as this accident.
3, pollution control needs of aquaculture breeding industry
implemented top-down environmental pollution and the background of the same pollution in Taihu Lake, the reform and prologue up, China's import varieties of diplomatic Xu Qin, the presentation of progressive technology, the presentation of a modern industrial mode. Livestock and Poultry to appliance factory, large-scale farming, making has been fast development, has greatly enriched the lives of the people, successfully resolved the shortage of pork, eggs problem. This is a brilliant fulfilment, the results are apparent to all, is in anybody case can not be negate.
However, large-scale factory farming methods, but are too causing the air to soil water pollution, livestock and poultry brought diseases, drug residues and other food health and safety issues, it also raised the green barriers in international trade. Thus, the pressing need of animal husbandry development prototype transformation from the industrial transformation of the feeding ecology up. Transformation is a fundamental alteration of the elapse pattern subversion and revolution. This is not a accidental object, not a simple stuff. requires excellent decision and need to determine the country's most high-level decision making, pedal to achieve top-down means.
fully implemented in the whole nation the scientific evolution concept and building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society today; in the deeply rooted conception of sustainable development of circular economic today; in the building of people-oriented society, has transform a national party acting today. livestock industry as a solemn environmental pollution , as solemn harm to the ecological balance and biodiversity sectors, such as a disease narcotic leftovers field of solemn edible safety issues, from the orthodox, industrialization is imperative to the ecological transformation.
conversion costs comprised, in the city of the process, many have fair completed and also the demolition of the building a few years, it is a pity. But if the tinkering will persist to, it will affect the layout and development of the city, long stripped down short-term anguish than the ache is needful. Shougang resolved whether the relocation in the early years, the wastage costs will be many smaller, but also hesitant to insist on so many years, put ten to several hundred million light green, until now eventually migrated to the CAO CFD. livestock pollution control can not be a temporary solution, can not continue to amplify large-scale farming community alternatively the farm, can not go later pollution at gas pollution of the road. In short, no longer hesitated, can not repair repair complement,toronto escorts, should be determined as presently as possible transition.
establishing a socialist harmonious society, the harmony between male and nature is important. To fulfill the harmony between male and nature, we absence to esteem the decrees of nature, strive apt retain ecological equilibrium. given to animals care to defend the welfare of their animals to make them healthy growth is no the ailment, to protect human health. disease feeding ecology, no arrogantly trying to pathogens wiped out neat, merely to control it namely not flooded, not Burning the Camps. Ecological animal husbandry not to agree in large-scale farms,shanghai escort, not to engage in centralized farming community, not the implementation of high-density rearing plant. peasants wrecked up fighting every other, the aquaculture manufacture to evacuate the countryside away from the jungle layer, grass, field to the brain. courtyard polluted manure nor villages, nor will focus aboard the eruption of polluting the context. farming households in the geographic distance from every other spread feeding to grass crops such as normal woodland buffer area,merely likewise apt take culture after., this eco-prevention amounts, to prevent large-scale condensed beast disease eruptions, and can significantly decrease the epidemic prices, enhance prevention effects, assure the health and safety of beast productions.

fraught out a long appearance the practice station Team

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universal warming namely fastened apt China's economy and social evolution have a important shock.

Global and China over the past century's climate is suffering a warming as the cardinal function to meaningful alterations in its world and our ecological systems and social economic and will proceed to have a significant impact. Current global warming has become a citizen The Government and the technological community on major issues of general concern, but also quite concerned about our government and major issues of science and technology.
human movement is major in the global climate system,Jake. Jilun He played, a membership of the climate change is an important factor. human activities on impact of climate change and the interlock between the 20th centenary a hot heading since the 70s. As global temperatures over the past century have warming trends, scientists have noted that human emissions to the atmosphere trace gas concentrations were mushroom,toronto escorts, accordingly, whether there is a causal link between the two, are scientists from assorted countries, the public and policy-makers concerns.
of person activities above climate and surroundings, and numerous can be extended behind a few decades alternatively even centuries, as a long phase of time is complicated to recover. how to assess the person shock of activities on the climate and environment,beijing escort, how to take telling measures to reserve profits to impair, to cultivate the human living environment and climate conditions to ensure sustainable evolution of society ambition become ahead the human a important publish, but likewise placed in front of a urgent administrations need to address the problem. China is a world with climate vulnerability, universal warming is jump to China's economic and social development have a major impact.
human activities to climate change impact not only directly influence the well-being and the wet and dry climate, and the ecological environment, economy and commerce to international political relations still have a broad impact, both environmental and economic changes in corner influence climate change. It can be said The new global climate change is by far one of the most complex human face of one of Earth System Science. developed the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization, the World Climate Impacts Programme presented the ten human impacts of climate research: 1. human health and aptitude to work; 2. housing construction and fashionable residential zones; 3. a cloud of farming; 4. water resources development and management; 5. forestry resources; 6. fisheries and marine resources; 7. energy product and expense; 8. advertisement activities ; 9. vehicle and transport; 10. a cloud of public services. which, given the climate changes reasoned by sea level, agriculture and food supply, environmental pollution, ecosystem change, freshwater resources, and additional appearances of human health problems most consideration.
defend the environment, every 1 of us adore the environment is the bounden duty of people on globe!!!

appliance environmental movement. do

Protection of the environment, to become . but a long time slinking around us, the explosion of the emergency is slowly, maybe one day this beauteous scene will work away. All this is caused by the human hand. heaven and perdition, the door opener gate keys are pinched in the human their own hands. We should conscientiously fulfil their tall educate students the responsibility to protect the environment, heave environmental awareness,commute exchange it ., enhance their legal awareness, implement environmental action. do , desertification has continued to plague mankind. are frantically engulf the people's survival of the land. According to statistics, the planet of desert wilderness by an yearly rate of 27 million hectares of expansion of desertified land in China is also an anniversary stretch the district of ​​1,560 square kilometers. At present, China has 1.28 million square kilometers of land desertification, and also the potential desertification of the land virtually 15 million square kilometers. desertification intimidating the global environment has become the maximum serious problems.
I have looked a deep moral funnies, the shade an afterward two cars traveling with, who buffet drums in front of a motorcar, yet too with a ruddy paper wrote: agreeable news, chemical yield, output amount of 3 million. the latter people frown above the car, a piece of paper reading: reporting only bad news, due to chemical pollution, food making of 30 kg, solemn physical injure to nearby dwellers, can not be used nigh a few creeks, the tribunal sentenced the deadline for amendment and fined . what worries hi what is apparent. All these are nature's advising to us, it reminds us not forget the ecology of the caustic penalties and those painful lesson. This ambition hint us to later have to protect the context.
environmental pollution will bring our physical and cerebral break. In order to protect our health, we need to improve and strengthen our community awareness of environmental conservation. The world is our mom, ah, we ought not be a colossal digit of sewage unloaded its capillaries, a massive number of waste buried in its flesh. The globe is not garbage dump, we can not in public areas, spitting, littering scraps of paper, cigarette butts and additional debris, pay not consideration to environmental protection. Let chewing gum to make it long full of specks and throwing plastic bags, causing water can carry a ship, can also overthrow it. Solutions-maker. And if in time to make up the human, to protect the trees; save water; reduce wastewater pollution emissions on the environment. Our students should actively partake in community service, let us together to protect the living environment, the first alteration to make their college clean, then neat the city to contribute. friends, attempt a concerning and work hard,toronto escorts! must start from the ego, from the side of the little entities, via their own movements to protect the environment we live. can not repeat the blunders of the harm the ecological environment.
we are inhabitants of the motherland, the mains of the 21st centenary, so we are responsible for their own nation and person society is our mutual families, members of society directly reflect the quality of the whole social air, the Chinese nation has a history of 5 thousand annuals of culture, for a decorum, virtue is about the traditional Chinese virtues, as each member of society, have a responsibility apt this carry forward the orthodox moralities. To subserve social ethics, morality absences of the community. We tin no do anyone partition of the human, tensioning morality,shanghai massage, keep array is the basis of social harmony. the quality of training, only small everything everywhere, . of the misadventure. to chance

17. there namely not such object for milk

Pink Question embark
1. In a clean bed to sleep undressed
2. Menstrual period does not eat chocolate, for it will boost dysmenorrhea
3. Cultivate the habit of recording menstrual wheels
4. By campaign Non-adjustable underwear to fashion the bend
5. not Alice his legs, so as to avoid nerve
6. private clothes does not dry
7. pull the air is not applicable for daily dress thong
8. last year's raiment to the exposure before they can wear
9. if not required, do not use sanitary pads
10. sometimes retard cosmetics shelf life of
11. bath for 1 hour after the re-make
12. Even beauty, and do not in the external edge of the upper ear cartilage piercing site
13. understand their home remedial history, principally the history of the mother and grandmother
blue title plate
1. every tread into office, first open the airing window, sit down and work
2. If you 5 hours a day replying calls, using the headset
3. copying files,beijing escort, and copiers to reserve at fewest one measure
4. merely only while necessary to use eye drops in a quite
5. does not prevaricate ashore the desk the morning of slumber
6. in the office to arrange for themselves a small cushion, on the waist
7. not a laptop on your lap Use
8. cacti in table support, to help absorb the radiation
9. After reading the news, remember to mallet in the hands of the ink washed
10. every 30 minutes, a inactive extend waist < br> 11. Office of the carpet washed regularly killing
12. out of your computer to clean face and hands,toronto escort, remove the fallout
13. elbow sack will increase a short with frozen elbow omens
14. briefcase lipstick and pen sub-grid storage
15. more than 2 hours a day to assure there is period for the liberation of feet from high heels
16. a week after than 22:00 Overtime no more than once
green title panel
1. the lavatory to keep dry and discourage mold growth
2. bathing not surpass 10 minutes
3. brush your teeth with warm water, and brush your tongue
4 . using alternating hot and chilly water bathe
5. do not dress hot plastic containers
6. regular cleaning of the refrigerator
7. microwave oven by go, please depart the kitchen
8. use of scope hood < br> 9. dinner, corner off the TV
10. try to dodge the use of thick velvet shutters
11. pesticides and cleaning agencies ought be placed away from alive areas of the cache room
12. using natural instead of floral or fruity fragrances
13. humidifier in the winter room with pure water
14. Do not seek to assist the microprocessor into the bedroom
15. Do not act as a cell phone on the bedside bell timer < br> 16. cilia is dry, Do not fall dormant
17. bedroom chamber to use the soft yellow color
Question board
1. in among milk and soy milk, opt as the latter
2 . I felt that I can eat half-bowl too, the left table
3. if the body does not feel hungry, drink 4 glasses of water a day just
4. more Suannai
5. no matter what the cause, are not smoke
6. in the prescription to add grains and vegetables
7. drink green tea than black tea
8. attention to breakfast more than supper
9. control the sum of salt
10. After obtaining up before brushing teeth drink
11. often nibble gum
12. early in the morning one night, 2 apples can cultivate constipation
13. pure vegetarian diet may guide to eccentric hormone secretion, resulting in infertility < br> 14. eat at least once a week, fish
15. away from the cola and other carbonated drinks
16. do not drink for a long time to cook the hot kettle soup
17. there is not such entity as milk, fruit nectar, which is a normal antagonist
18. eating fruit ahead meals than behind meals
19. bedtime can have a glass of red wine
20. a glass of coffee may occasion osteoporosis in women orange heading
1. more Enjoy the morning sun 8-9
2. running, cycling and additional sports to preserve a beautiful thigh line
3. hot foot bath can be effective in preventing varicose veins
4. the spirit of the time and utmost fatigue decompression is not suitable for sports, rest is more important
5. in winter, playing outside sports
6. 10 wafer below, do not take the lift
7. once every 3 months to change your fitness list
8. everyday discipline for half one hour, instead of the weekend Sports 3 hours
9. watching television while doing calisthenics
10. often walk
11. nap is a nice time for fitness, not necessarily await until the evening
12. light wearing snug shoes of course, yet ignored the disadvantageous health
13. sleep on a bed is more conducive to semi-rigid cervical health
14. go to a regular hospital preferably than loveliness salons knead
15. Non-exercise state, do not drink functional drinks
16. after exercise,unless relative to survival, recess for half an hour before bathing
17. not too loud gym
18. correct posture is more efficacious than a special voyage to the gym < br>

these geological scenery has a agreeable artistic and ornamental worth tours because folk apt relax

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Talk almost just turned 25-year-old Harvard Law School student initiated and mobilized the premier in people history celebrate the commemoration.
present, the maximum important accident was organized by the Geological Society of China and the Ministry of Land and organizations. This year, Earth Day has been identified as the theme of distant away. What is the geological heritage? geological heritage, including mineral resources and geological relics, they are long years of evolution of the earth left back asset. experts pointed out that the theme intended by the protection of geological heritage importance and urgency of the decision .
perhaps relative to the well known cultural sites, the team member Professor Zhao Xun, told journalists that there is one important geological heritage value of fossils and their origin,toronto escorts, geological landscape. They are long-term geological geological history of the product of non-renewable normal resources, and accordingly invaluable. < br> 46 million years the Earth has capable numerous vicissitudes? how the beings on the planet's bacteria and algae from the lower into the higher mutation of life? human culture is how to amplify? specialists point out that the formation of geological heritage and cultural sites than the longer and more distant. a lot of sites for the study catered essential technological basis. At the same time, they also have a fashionable meaning, whether such as Not merely tin motivate people's interest, yet too make it up to learning. In addition, in the protection of the process, these geological outlook has a good artistic and ornamental worth tours for people to relax,Confucius was born, yet likewise as a regional economy evolution growth, and tin solve the problem of employment of regional people.

long-term outlook

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like the angel in the winter, every winter approximated, Germany Faith, waving it to, because only one temperature in winter is the natural delicate De Feisi umbrella, and its melting point is only 23 degrees, more than the temperature, as she really is like snow melt when heated, naturally. Therefore, In Europe and the Americas,for some students calculate the best motorcar each few days apt replace, Defei Si is known to celebrate Christmas and New Year chocolate.
Name: De Feisi natural savor of Truffles Chocolate Truffles 1000g +200 g-type New Year Limited Edition
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De Feisi classical taste, the respective emphasis in terms of bitterness;;
emulated by natural taste, the taste of the most renowned, and relatively anguish point is partial; black tradition will also be a good choice for your taste is moderate; If you like creamy
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category Introduction
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Truffettes de France in the winter of Angels - was translated into Chinese truffles. truffle is a fungus French specialty, very precious delicious French cuisine in the top can be described as raw materials. Therefore, when the daily winter Truffettes de France which was descended from only a taste of winter bargains and the time to stay in the winter, as winter snows melt like the teeth, the taste of extremely pure, and its melting point is only 23 degrees, really like snow like when exposed to heat Nature ablation.
Truffettes de FranceMM their loved ones - it's pure cocoa butter content is tall, ashore benefit of the cocoa butter content far lower than the servant mart. so it's cheap calorie chocolate more than customary, that portly content the end of the regular chocolate. so it namely my maximum darling winter infant ~
Save: 因德菲丝松 exposed more fearful of chocolate than regular chocolate, temperatures, more melting. so smooth entrance even more mellow. and accordingly France only in the chilly season before the Christmas production of this market, the proposed cache at 15 degrees to 20 degrees in a cool dry location. If stored in a refrigerator freezer, please sealed package, and put to one hour before eating to 19 ~ 20 degree environment, taste the best! one in the mouth, make you forget life! we sent a complete package of chocolate, very fresh. However, the domestic express delivery process is laborious to completely avoid friction and mar; dissimilar long voyage, numerous express transit, the box may be in the postman bag was darted during the crack mouth, so please everyone (primarily for gifts to friends) to buy cautiously. We do not adopt these causes as grounds for the return, replacement, partial repay , replenishment requirements. Please understand a lot of pro! Thanks in advance for!
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